ASP.NET DevOps Information Security & Privacy Web Development

Get ASP.NET auth cookie using PowerShell (when using AntiForgeryToken)

At FundApps we run a regular SkipFish scan against our application as one of our tools for monitoring for security vulnerabilities. In order for it to test beyond our login page, we need to provide a valid .ASPXAUTH cookie (you’ve renamed it, right?) to the tool.

Because we want to prevent Cross-site request forgeries to our login pages, we’re using … Read more “Get ASP.NET auth cookie using PowerShell (when using AntiForgeryToken)”


Debugging Powershell and Psake commands and parameters

Getting commands and parameters in Powershell and Psake can be pretty troublesome at times. The echoargs helper from the PowerShell Community Extensions can be a lifesaver. If, for instance, you are calling

msbuild.exe /t:Build /p:SomeTroublesomeParametersHere

if you swap msbuild for echoargs (after placing the extensions in C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules and callingĀ Import-ModuleĀ pscx), then you’ll see the exact parameters being passed to … Read more “Debugging Powershell and Psake commands and parameters”